A few months ago, I saw an email asking for contributions to Fusion in Europe, the magazine produced by EuroFusion, who are the EU’s joint collaboration for delivering fusion energy.

Being extremely keen, I replied and had a chat with the editor, Karl Tischler. He was full of advice and ideas for writing a popular science article, and it seemed like a good opportunity to learn something. I set out to write about the bolometry diagnostic being developed at IPP for ITER. If you don’t know what that is, see the link to the article below!
After a few drafts it was clear we’d need some pictures, so I headed into the lab to grab some photos. I convinced my colleague Adam Pataki to extract some computer models of ITER to illustrate where the bolometers will go, and sent everything off to Fusion in Europe.

A few weeks later, it was published! You can read the complete article here. I had a lot of fun writing it, and hopefully it’s of interest to people who wonder what it’s like to work on (a very small part of) ITER!