I’ve spent the last week and a bit helping to fix one of the four capacitor banks in MAGPIE. It’s…
MAGPIE is currently undergoing maintenance as the college install new lighting to replace the ageing fluorescent tubes we currently have.…
This morning, at 10:30 am, I fired my first shot on MAGPIE. I wrote about the goals of this first series…
MAGPIE Chamber One Corner by jdhare on Photosynth A photo composite of the inside of the shielding area, showing the…
MAGPIE Lower Floor PFLs by jdhare on Photosynth Photosynth of the pulse forming lines in MAGPIE. You can zoom in…
The MAGPIE chamber, on the upper floor of MAGPIE. It’s surrounded by diagnostic equipment – lenses and mirrors for the…
Upper floor of MAGPIE. This is part science, part workshop. The chamber is in the centre of the room.
Photos from the ground floor of MAGPIE. This level is mostly concerned with engineering – there is a thin layer…
I talked previously wrote about trying to photo-ionise a gas using the x-rays from a wire array z-pinch. The cylinder…
You’ve probably tried to capture the perfect photo of someone running or jumping, only to miss the action by a…